UX Design System Basics for Digital Products

Lightning Design System 2

Want to learn how to build great digital products that stand the test of time? Creating a framework that lets your product teams build and update, easily. Make changes easier to achieve your company goals, by investing in a UX design system.

This article covers how to create, apply, and maintain design consistency across your software applications. Aiming to reduce one-off design patterns and code blocks. Making it easier for your product design team to design user interfaces that map to established code blocks.

Streamline product development with code documentation. Make it easier for your team to find, update, and commit existing code blocks. Remove the need for historical context and in-product examples to make your team more effective.

Why are design systems important?

UX design systems remove repetitive design and engineering efforts with a standard set of principles. Building modular systems is the goal. By creating a system that builds on top of itself, you remove the need to rebuild everything. Change one area, test what you impact, and move on to your next project. Unlock rapid visual changes by editing your application’s style.

Remove concerns about visuals ‘looking right’, and create a source of truth. Make it easier for designers and developers to find and update your products building blocks. Speed up development, optimize the quality of your product, and benefit everyone who touches your product in any way.

What makes a design system?

What is a UI Style Guide (Design Guidelines)

Lightening Design System 2's Visual Design Basics

User interface style guides are the foundation for an application’s theme. Create the foundation for a consistent user experience with a style guide. Reflect your brand clearly in your product. Define the fonts, colors, spacing, and other design principles for your product.

This step sets the foundation of your application’s design elements. Spend time defining design tokens that designers and engineers can understand. Check out the following resources to learn more about colors, design tokens, and UI design guidelines.

What are User Interface Elements

User interface elements are the smallest items used to build your UI. Design the building blocks of your app used to create modular user interfaces. Set custom states with that show user interactions. Define component variants and spacing to build larger patterns. A decent rule of thumb, think of HTML elements as your base UI elements.

Apply your style guide to UI elements to achieve your product’s visual design. Check out these resources for examples of UI elements and pattern libraries to get started from:

What is a Pattern Library

Patterns from Shopify's Design System - Polaris

A pattern library is a set of combined UI elements that are used throughout your application. Document how you combine UI elements to create your user interface. Whether it be a combination of a label and input, or an entire screen. Work with your team to categorize your UI patterns. A design system is a product that serves your team, get your internal stakeholders involved.

Brad Frost defined the industry standard with Atomic Design. Using chemistry for inspiration with different levels of your patterns. Check out this video from Pierluigi Giglio for more on atomic design.

Code Blocks (Component APIs)

A design system is not just user interface design. Reusable code blocks are what make a design sticker sheet into a product design system. Working with UI developers is vital for long term design system management.

Develop code blocks that use the design artifacts you’ve built. Set classes that match your UI style guide, apply classes (or tokens) to UI elements, and combine them into interfaces. Make it simple to transition design changes over to your code.

Code blocks go one step further than your UI design. Setting up variables, properties, and interaction designs that work as intended. Document how to import UI patterns, and the API’s available to make adjustment. Go one step further with a component preview your team can customize.

  • We highly recommend tools like Storybook to preview and reference your design system.


Adding your code blocks into your app experience is the final level of a design system. Building your products with reusable code. Implement interfaces in live products, analyze user tested interfaces, and optimize your user’s journey.

Unlock the ability to make a change to a style and preview the impacts platform-wide. A series of style changes can completely change a user experience. UX is an ongoing investment, use a design system to get your best bet of return on investment.

What are the benefits of each stage of a (user experience) ux design system?

Each step of the design system process unlocks benefits. Identify where to invest your efforts for the best payoff for where you’re at. Product development is a balancing act of priorities, so what should you invest in?

Creating a style guide unlocks uniform design standards that make things look and feel cohesive. Shifting your team from single-use designs to consistent visual styles. Make it easier for designers and developers to build on-brand designs.

Design UI elements with your style guide standards to create UI sticker sheets. This lets your interaction designers standardize states. Drop familiar elements into user interfaces to speed up the design process and find ways to optimize your elements. Build custom elements that make things easier for your users, when necessary.

Increase efficiency by standardizing patterns used throughout your product. Pattern libraries let you re-use different parts of your user interface. Customizing the building blocks of your pattern library keeps UX consistent across different use cases.

Share the efficiency benefits with your engineering team. Build code blocks that match your design styles, UI elements, and pattern library. Match design and code changes to make rapid adjustments. Keep your design and development teams on the same page with a common source of truth.

To close the loop with users, get your code blocks implemented app-wide. Making changes from code snippets available across your platform. Get changes from design, to development, to user, in a fraction of the time.

When to consider investing in design system development?

MVP Stage Products

Establishing a design system early on can unlock major payoffs. This can help your team create the v0 of your produce, and rapidly address user feedback. Remove design as an unknown, so you can focus on achieving product-market fit. Some people focus on rapid testing, why not unlock rapid changes to address you user needs.

Early Stage Products

If you’ve designed and developed a version of your product, you may want to wait on creating a design system. Rebuilding your platform to use components can take a lot of time. Spend your early stages addressing user feedback, creating your product strategy, and scaling your product. Await signal that you need to invest into a design system.

Conduct user research and continue to invest in your initial product experience. Start with design guidelines and UI elements to get a consistent look and feel. Achieve this by creating standards that match your product, and making changes as you can.

Growth/Late Stage Products

Scaling your organization and user base is a prime time to invest in design systems. Define the UX standards of your application and distribute them across teams. Make it possible for your product development organization to contribute to a unified experience.

Consider splitting out your teams to dedicate a small team to the design system. One effective way to do this is splitting out a design system (or core platform) team. Create time and space for your design system to thrive. Set goals based on product design and engineering efficiency.

In Conclusion

Drive efficiency and consistency of your product development process with a design system. Setting a unified set of design guidelines, UI elements, patterns, and reusable code components streamlines design and development.

Design systems are helpful as you scale startups. Make it easier to scale and optimize from MVP to mature product. Investing up front will pay off with long-term benefits for users and your teams. Reduce design and development time, improve collaboration, and improve user satisfaction.

Design systems are a worthwhile investment for successful products. Create high-quality user experiences users love.
