Choosing the Best Web Application Framework for Your Startup

What is the best web development framwork to build with?

What is the best web app framework for startups?

Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Choosing the right web development framework will set up your product team for long-term success. Choosing the right option may feel overwhelming. We'll cover the pros and cons of various web app frameworks, discuss the benefits, and help you make an informed decision for your startup.

Who are we?

As a remote design agency, our team has played a key part in the scaling innovative startups. Developing user experiences for no-code, SaaS, email engagement, social media and more. We've seen how web programming frameworks can make or break the success of a product.

Most designs are possible no matter the underlying code. Our team works with tech partners to design experiences with the framework benefits. The goal of a dev framework is ease-of-use, speed to market, and technical capabilities.

What is a Web App Framework?

Web application frameworks support the development of web apps. They reduce overhead with common activities in web development. Many provide libraries for database access, templating, and session management, promoting code reuse. Web frameworks are useful for dynamic web sites and static websites.

What are some Popular Web App Frameworks:

Some examples of the best web app development frameworks include:

  1. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, used by Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb.

  2. Angular: A comprehensive framework maintained by Google, used by Forbes, PayPal, and Netflix.

  3. Vue.js: A progressive framework focusing on simplicity and performance, gaining popularity among developers.

  4. Ruby on Rails: A server-side framework emphasizing convention over configuration, used by Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify.

  5. Django: A high-level Python framework encouraging rapid development and clean design, used by Instagram, Mozilla, and NASA.

What are the benefits of Web Dev Frameworks:

Some pros of web application frameworks to consider.

Faster Development

Build user interfaces quickly with built-in theme and component properties. Web frameworks provide pre-built components, libraries, and tools to speed up development. Leverage built-in features like user auth, database management, and routing.

Speed up your team with common coding patterns. Empower your team to understand and contribute to the codebase the same way. Open opportunities to focus on custom areas of your user experiences.

Community Support

The good thing about using a popular web framework: you're never alone. Active communities of developers provide contributions and support. Get access to resources built for the community.

Some frameworks provide documentation, resources, and forums for help. More popular frameworks may have courses and tutorials from advocates as well. You can do more with third-party integrations. Access third-party libraries, plugins, and extensions into your projects.

Pre-built components

Access pre-built UI components without needing style overrides. Quickly customize pre-built UI elements and patterns to build common interfaces. Quickly apply common utilities like form validation, user management, and database integrations.

User interface elements are well-tested and optimized for web frameworks. Make code bases easier and more reliable with reusable components.


Frameworks used across web and mobile applications are more reliable. They undergo heavy testing across different apps. Using a well established framework lets you avoid common mistakes.

You get the benefits of every developer who has contributed to that framework. Lowering the risk of introducing bugs or security risks.

What are the cons of Software Application Frameworks:

Learning Curve

Each framework has its own code syntax and programming concepts. Some frameworks for building may limit what programming languages can be uses.

It can be difficult for developers to transition between frameworks. To get the most out of any framework, it is important to understand how they work.

Performance Overhead

Different web frameworks prioritize different benefits. Consider what your project needs before choosing a framework. Some solutions may be resource-heavy, causing performance issues.

Limited flexibility

Web frameworks provide a structured approach to building web applications. This can help maintenance across the codebase. However, this structure can sometimes limit flexibility in some situations.

Implementing functionality that doesn't align with the framework's capabilities, may require workarounds. This process can be challenging and time-consuming. Especially if the desired functionality is significantly different from what the framework typically supports.

What are the pros of building a web application without a front-end framework?

Full Control and Flexibility

When you choose not to use a web framework, you have complete control over the development of your web application. You make all the decisions about the application's architecture, design patterns, and the libraries you want to use.

Having this level of control allows you to tailor your digital product to its specific requirements. You can optimize the application for performance, scalability, and maintenance based on your unique needs.


You often end up with a more lightweight codebase when you don't use a web framework. You have the freedom to include only the libraries and dependencies that your application needs to function.

This means that your application will likely have a smaller codebase, fewer dependencies, and a more streamlined structure. Compared to applications built with full-featured web frameworks.

Tech stack expertise

You'll need to have a deep understanding of the underlying technologies involved in web development. This includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web servers, databases, APIs, and more.

Building from scratch requires you to make decisions about every aspect of the application's architecture and implementation. This hands-on experience can lead to a much stronger grasp of web development concepts and best practices.

What are the cons of building a web application from scratch?

Longer development times

It requires significantly more time and effort compared to using a framework. Frameworks provide a lot of built-in functionality you'll need to implement yourself when working without one.

Frameworks often come with a set of pre-built components, libraries, and tools. These can include things like routing, database integration, user auth, input validation, and more. When you use a framework, you can leverage these built-in features and focus on writing the code that's specific to your application.

Rebuilding existing solutions

Widely adopted frameworks provide solutions to common problems. Each development version improves to address feedback from the community. Building a custom app may require solutions to existing problems.

Rebuilding features from scratch may introduce bugs or security issues. Without community feedback, it may be hard to catch problems. Frameworks provide community-driven optimizations and best practices.

Lack of Consistency

Website frameworks provide a consistent set of instructions for web developers to work together. Meaning each person builds user experiences the same way. This makes it easier for teams to distribute the workload, and have people contribute.

Without a framework, developers need to learn how to contribute to code. This includes making code readable, and knowing what is available. Without documentation, this can limit developer efficacy.

Why we recommend building with top web app frameworks?

Recommending top web application frameworks is a smart choice for many development teams. Once you've found the best framework for your project, it provides a solid foundation and a set of standards for building your application.

Allow your team to focus on innovation and creating unique features rather than reinventing the wheel for common functionalities. Using a web framework is similar to having a style guide, design system, or project brief in place. These tools provide a consistent structure and a set of guidelines that everyone on the team can follow.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right web application framework is a crucial decision for startups and development teams. Drive the success of your product, the efficiency of your development process, and the scalability of your codebase. While there are pros and cons to using web frameworks, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for most projects.

Leveraging the power of popular web frameworks. You can accelerate development, tap into vast community resources, and build robust applications that follow industry best practices. Frameworks provide a solid foundation, standards, and pre-built tools that can save you time.

However, it's important to carefully evaluate your project's specific needs and requirements before selecting a framework. Consider factors such as the learning curve, performance overhead, flexibility, and alignment with your team's skills and expertise. Building a web application from scratch without a framework may be the best approach, offering complete control and flexibility.

The key is finding the right balance between the benefits of using a framework and the specific needs of your project. Set your development team up for success and create innovative, high-quality web applications for your users.

What is the best web app framework for startups?

Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Choosing the right web development framework will set up your product team for long-term success. Choosing the right option may feel overwhelming. We'll cover the pros and cons of various web app frameworks, discuss the benefits, and help you make an informed decision for your startup.

Who are we?

As a remote design agency, our team has played a key part in the scaling innovative startups. Developing user experiences for no-code, SaaS, email engagement, social media and more. We've seen how web programming frameworks can make or break the success of a product.

Most designs are possible no matter the underlying code. Our team works with tech partners to design experiences with the framework benefits. The goal of a dev framework is ease-of-use, speed to market, and technical capabilities.

What is a Web App Framework?

Web application frameworks support the development of web apps. They reduce overhead with common activities in web development. Many provide libraries for database access, templating, and session management, promoting code reuse. Web frameworks are useful for dynamic web sites and static websites.

What are some Popular Web App Frameworks:

Some examples of the best web app development frameworks include:

  1. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, used by Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb.

  2. Angular: A comprehensive framework maintained by Google, used by Forbes, PayPal, and Netflix.

  3. Vue.js: A progressive framework focusing on simplicity and performance, gaining popularity among developers.

  4. Ruby on Rails: A server-side framework emphasizing convention over configuration, used by Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify.

  5. Django: A high-level Python framework encouraging rapid development and clean design, used by Instagram, Mozilla, and NASA.

What are the benefits of Web Dev Frameworks:

Some pros of web application frameworks to consider.

Faster Development

Build user interfaces quickly with built-in theme and component properties. Web frameworks provide pre-built components, libraries, and tools to speed up development. Leverage built-in features like user auth, database management, and routing.

Speed up your team with common coding patterns. Empower your team to understand and contribute to the codebase the same way. Open opportunities to focus on custom areas of your user experiences.

Community Support

The good thing about using a popular web framework: you're never alone. Active communities of developers provide contributions and support. Get access to resources built for the community.

Some frameworks provide documentation, resources, and forums for help. More popular frameworks may have courses and tutorials from advocates as well. You can do more with third-party integrations. Access third-party libraries, plugins, and extensions into your projects.

Pre-built components

Access pre-built UI components without needing style overrides. Quickly customize pre-built UI elements and patterns to build common interfaces. Quickly apply common utilities like form validation, user management, and database integrations.

User interface elements are well-tested and optimized for web frameworks. Make code bases easier and more reliable with reusable components.


Frameworks used across web and mobile applications are more reliable. They undergo heavy testing across different apps. Using a well established framework lets you avoid common mistakes.

You get the benefits of every developer who has contributed to that framework. Lowering the risk of introducing bugs or security risks.

What are the cons of Software Application Frameworks:

Learning Curve

Each framework has its own code syntax and programming concepts. Some frameworks for building may limit what programming languages can be uses.

It can be difficult for developers to transition between frameworks. To get the most out of any framework, it is important to understand how they work.

Performance Overhead

Different web frameworks prioritize different benefits. Consider what your project needs before choosing a framework. Some solutions may be resource-heavy, causing performance issues.

Limited flexibility

Web frameworks provide a structured approach to building web applications. This can help maintenance across the codebase. However, this structure can sometimes limit flexibility in some situations.

Implementing functionality that doesn't align with the framework's capabilities, may require workarounds. This process can be challenging and time-consuming. Especially if the desired functionality is significantly different from what the framework typically supports.

What are the pros of building a web application without a front-end framework?

Full Control and Flexibility

When you choose not to use a web framework, you have complete control over the development of your web application. You make all the decisions about the application's architecture, design patterns, and the libraries you want to use.

Having this level of control allows you to tailor your digital product to its specific requirements. You can optimize the application for performance, scalability, and maintenance based on your unique needs.


You often end up with a more lightweight codebase when you don't use a web framework. You have the freedom to include only the libraries and dependencies that your application needs to function.

This means that your application will likely have a smaller codebase, fewer dependencies, and a more streamlined structure. Compared to applications built with full-featured web frameworks.

Tech stack expertise

You'll need to have a deep understanding of the underlying technologies involved in web development. This includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web servers, databases, APIs, and more.

Building from scratch requires you to make decisions about every aspect of the application's architecture and implementation. This hands-on experience can lead to a much stronger grasp of web development concepts and best practices.

What are the cons of building a web application from scratch?

Longer development times

It requires significantly more time and effort compared to using a framework. Frameworks provide a lot of built-in functionality you'll need to implement yourself when working without one.

Frameworks often come with a set of pre-built components, libraries, and tools. These can include things like routing, database integration, user auth, input validation, and more. When you use a framework, you can leverage these built-in features and focus on writing the code that's specific to your application.

Rebuilding existing solutions

Widely adopted frameworks provide solutions to common problems. Each development version improves to address feedback from the community. Building a custom app may require solutions to existing problems.

Rebuilding features from scratch may introduce bugs or security issues. Without community feedback, it may be hard to catch problems. Frameworks provide community-driven optimizations and best practices.

Lack of Consistency

Website frameworks provide a consistent set of instructions for web developers to work together. Meaning each person builds user experiences the same way. This makes it easier for teams to distribute the workload, and have people contribute.

Without a framework, developers need to learn how to contribute to code. This includes making code readable, and knowing what is available. Without documentation, this can limit developer efficacy.

Why we recommend building with top web app frameworks?

Recommending top web application frameworks is a smart choice for many development teams. Once you've found the best framework for your project, it provides a solid foundation and a set of standards for building your application.

Allow your team to focus on innovation and creating unique features rather than reinventing the wheel for common functionalities. Using a web framework is similar to having a style guide, design system, or project brief in place. These tools provide a consistent structure and a set of guidelines that everyone on the team can follow.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right web application framework is a crucial decision for startups and development teams. Drive the success of your product, the efficiency of your development process, and the scalability of your codebase. While there are pros and cons to using web frameworks, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for most projects.

Leveraging the power of popular web frameworks. You can accelerate development, tap into vast community resources, and build robust applications that follow industry best practices. Frameworks provide a solid foundation, standards, and pre-built tools that can save you time.

However, it's important to carefully evaluate your project's specific needs and requirements before selecting a framework. Consider factors such as the learning curve, performance overhead, flexibility, and alignment with your team's skills and expertise. Building a web application from scratch without a framework may be the best approach, offering complete control and flexibility.

The key is finding the right balance between the benefits of using a framework and the specific needs of your project. Set your development team up for success and create innovative, high-quality web applications for your users.

What is the best web app framework for startups?

Artem Sapegin on Unsplash

Choosing the right web development framework will set up your product team for long-term success. Choosing the right option may feel overwhelming. We'll cover the pros and cons of various web app frameworks, discuss the benefits, and help you make an informed decision for your startup.

Who are we?

As a remote design agency, our team has played a key part in the scaling innovative startups. Developing user experiences for no-code, SaaS, email engagement, social media and more. We've seen how web programming frameworks can make or break the success of a product.

Most designs are possible no matter the underlying code. Our team works with tech partners to design experiences with the framework benefits. The goal of a dev framework is ease-of-use, speed to market, and technical capabilities.

What is a Web App Framework?

Web application frameworks support the development of web apps. They reduce overhead with common activities in web development. Many provide libraries for database access, templating, and session management, promoting code reuse. Web frameworks are useful for dynamic web sites and static websites.

What are some Popular Web App Frameworks:

Some examples of the best web app development frameworks include:

  1. React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces, used by Facebook, Instagram, and Airbnb.

  2. Angular: A comprehensive framework maintained by Google, used by Forbes, PayPal, and Netflix.

  3. Vue.js: A progressive framework focusing on simplicity and performance, gaining popularity among developers.

  4. Ruby on Rails: A server-side framework emphasizing convention over configuration, used by Airbnb, GitHub, and Shopify.

  5. Django: A high-level Python framework encouraging rapid development and clean design, used by Instagram, Mozilla, and NASA.

What are the benefits of Web Dev Frameworks:

Some pros of web application frameworks to consider.

Faster Development

Build user interfaces quickly with built-in theme and component properties. Web frameworks provide pre-built components, libraries, and tools to speed up development. Leverage built-in features like user auth, database management, and routing.

Speed up your team with common coding patterns. Empower your team to understand and contribute to the codebase the same way. Open opportunities to focus on custom areas of your user experiences.

Community Support

The good thing about using a popular web framework: you're never alone. Active communities of developers provide contributions and support. Get access to resources built for the community.

Some frameworks provide documentation, resources, and forums for help. More popular frameworks may have courses and tutorials from advocates as well. You can do more with third-party integrations. Access third-party libraries, plugins, and extensions into your projects.

Pre-built components

Access pre-built UI components without needing style overrides. Quickly customize pre-built UI elements and patterns to build common interfaces. Quickly apply common utilities like form validation, user management, and database integrations.

User interface elements are well-tested and optimized for web frameworks. Make code bases easier and more reliable with reusable components.


Frameworks used across web and mobile applications are more reliable. They undergo heavy testing across different apps. Using a well established framework lets you avoid common mistakes.

You get the benefits of every developer who has contributed to that framework. Lowering the risk of introducing bugs or security risks.

What are the cons of Software Application Frameworks:

Learning Curve

Each framework has its own code syntax and programming concepts. Some frameworks for building may limit what programming languages can be uses.

It can be difficult for developers to transition between frameworks. To get the most out of any framework, it is important to understand how they work.

Performance Overhead

Different web frameworks prioritize different benefits. Consider what your project needs before choosing a framework. Some solutions may be resource-heavy, causing performance issues.

Limited flexibility

Web frameworks provide a structured approach to building web applications. This can help maintenance across the codebase. However, this structure can sometimes limit flexibility in some situations.

Implementing functionality that doesn't align with the framework's capabilities, may require workarounds. This process can be challenging and time-consuming. Especially if the desired functionality is significantly different from what the framework typically supports.

What are the pros of building a web application without a front-end framework?

Full Control and Flexibility

When you choose not to use a web framework, you have complete control over the development of your web application. You make all the decisions about the application's architecture, design patterns, and the libraries you want to use.

Having this level of control allows you to tailor your digital product to its specific requirements. You can optimize the application for performance, scalability, and maintenance based on your unique needs.


You often end up with a more lightweight codebase when you don't use a web framework. You have the freedom to include only the libraries and dependencies that your application needs to function.

This means that your application will likely have a smaller codebase, fewer dependencies, and a more streamlined structure. Compared to applications built with full-featured web frameworks.

Tech stack expertise

You'll need to have a deep understanding of the underlying technologies involved in web development. This includes knowledge of HTML, CSS, JavaScript, web servers, databases, APIs, and more.

Building from scratch requires you to make decisions about every aspect of the application's architecture and implementation. This hands-on experience can lead to a much stronger grasp of web development concepts and best practices.

What are the cons of building a web application from scratch?

Longer development times

It requires significantly more time and effort compared to using a framework. Frameworks provide a lot of built-in functionality you'll need to implement yourself when working without one.

Frameworks often come with a set of pre-built components, libraries, and tools. These can include things like routing, database integration, user auth, input validation, and more. When you use a framework, you can leverage these built-in features and focus on writing the code that's specific to your application.

Rebuilding existing solutions

Widely adopted frameworks provide solutions to common problems. Each development version improves to address feedback from the community. Building a custom app may require solutions to existing problems.

Rebuilding features from scratch may introduce bugs or security issues. Without community feedback, it may be hard to catch problems. Frameworks provide community-driven optimizations and best practices.

Lack of Consistency

Website frameworks provide a consistent set of instructions for web developers to work together. Meaning each person builds user experiences the same way. This makes it easier for teams to distribute the workload, and have people contribute.

Without a framework, developers need to learn how to contribute to code. This includes making code readable, and knowing what is available. Without documentation, this can limit developer efficacy.

Why we recommend building with top web app frameworks?

Recommending top web application frameworks is a smart choice for many development teams. Once you've found the best framework for your project, it provides a solid foundation and a set of standards for building your application.

Allow your team to focus on innovation and creating unique features rather than reinventing the wheel for common functionalities. Using a web framework is similar to having a style guide, design system, or project brief in place. These tools provide a consistent structure and a set of guidelines that everyone on the team can follow.

Wrapping up

Choosing the right web application framework is a crucial decision for startups and development teams. Drive the success of your product, the efficiency of your development process, and the scalability of your codebase. While there are pros and cons to using web frameworks, the benefits often outweigh the drawbacks for most projects.

Leveraging the power of popular web frameworks. You can accelerate development, tap into vast community resources, and build robust applications that follow industry best practices. Frameworks provide a solid foundation, standards, and pre-built tools that can save you time.

However, it's important to carefully evaluate your project's specific needs and requirements before selecting a framework. Consider factors such as the learning curve, performance overhead, flexibility, and alignment with your team's skills and expertise. Building a web application from scratch without a framework may be the best approach, offering complete control and flexibility.

The key is finding the right balance between the benefits of using a framework and the specific needs of your project. Set your development team up for success and create innovative, high-quality web applications for your users.

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Ready to get started?

Let’s create an impactful experience together. 

Ready to get started?

Let’s create an impactful experience together.